Waterfront Waiting List


Association Rules for Allocating Vacant Waterfront Lots
  1. Any member in good standing may request to be on the waterfront list. In the event that a member has not fully paid their dues by the end of a season, they will be removed from the list and, if they then pay their dues, they will be put at the bottom of the list.

  2. The list is maintained by the President, Karen Flanagan, and the Treasurer, Tom Oram. If you want to be added to or removed from the list, notify one of them.

  3. According to the Settlement Agreement (see excerpt below), the park owners must offer any vacant waterfront lots to the Association (except for one lot which they can allocate). Note that this is ONLY if a lot is vacant. Any person on any lot has a right to sell their unit in-place on the lot, without the Association's involvement (but, of course, they must follow the Park Rules regarding sale of a unit).

  4. If a lot becomes available, the owners notify the Association. At that point we will send an email to all people on the list and each person on the list will be called in priority order and asked if they want the lot. We have only 48 hours to respond to the owners, so please be prepared and make sure we have good contact information. If a person refuses a lot but wants to stay on the list, they will be placed at the bottom of the list.

  5. If a member wants a lot, they must register the lot in their name with the owners and pay the yearly rental. A member cannot 'assign' their rights to anyone else. It is expected that the member will place a unit on the lot in their name. If they choose to sell the unit in-place, they can do so - the Association has no control over that. But we ask that you be fair to non-waterfront members who want to move to the waterfront themselves.

  6. The list will be published on our website. Your name will appear unless you specifically request your name not be listed on the website. However, the list with all names will be available to any member who asks.


From the Settlement Agreement
16. Additional Tenants.

Prior to leasing any waterfront lot to any prospective tenant at the Park, the Blackmans agree to notify the Association and offer such lot to its members, provided, however, that the parties agree that the Blackmans may use one waterfront lot for their own purposes. Upon their acceptance of any person as a tenant at the Park, the Blackmans agree to provide such tenant's name and address to the Association within seven days. 


Waterfront Waiting List - In Priority Order

Tim & Lillian O'Leary
Adrian Quinn
Jack & Karen Flanagan
Gail & Robert Fraser
Pat & Alicia Corbett
Paul Walsh
(Private name)
William & Elizabeth Fahey
Tommy & Ann Costa
Justin Ferraro
John & Annette Buckley
Brian Damon & Lenore Cochrane
Carla Pizzi
Karen & Steve Michetti
Gene Clifford

Jacqueline Moloney
Francis & Marjorie Mahoney
John & Edie Twomey
Timothy & Liz Vernon
Kathy Jordan-Quern
Dan & Caroline Fahey
Mike & Sue Giacchetti
John McKenna
Jack Twomey, Jr.
Daniela Proia